Police Commissioner Role Is A Tory Retirement Home

The office of Police & Crime Commissioner in Cheshire was branded as a "Conservative retirement home for ex-chief constables" by Liberal Democrat candidate Paul Duffy during a BBC debate on 10th April.
Paul, who is a White Ribbon ambassador, called out Tory incumbent John Dwyer's victim-blaming comments about schoolgirls wearing "very short skirts" during a discussion regarding violence against women and girls, as well as Mr Dwyer's appointment of his campaign manager as his deputy.
The Liberal Democrats believe that the Police & Crime Commissioner positions across the country should be abolished, as they create undue political influence on the police.
As Police & Crime Commissioner for Cheshire, Paul will:
- Let the police, police - remove political interference from policing.
- Reduce violent crime - particularly knife crime and violence against women and girls.
- Promote crime prevention and restorative justice initiatives.
- Tackle the epidemic of shoplifting in Cheshire.
- Increase police visibility with more PCSOs.